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Wimmy Data Science in Health Competition 2021

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2021 1:10 pm
by Admin
Rise to the challenge – and you could land a job with a data science startup! The Wimmy Data Science in Health Competition 2021 is open for entry.

Do you have a desire to understand data on a deep level?
Do you want to make an impact in healthcare?

Wimmy, in association with AxioVR and the Department of Psychiatry at Stellenbosch University, invites you to register to be in one of 15 teams competing for a job as a data scientist.

How to enter?

Register as a duo – or on your own and we'll try to assign you a teammate – on our website by 14 May 2021. Simply click on this button to find out more about the competition and fill out the entry form.


How does it work?

You will attend a webinar series to get up to speed with the key concepts of the competition. Next, you will show off your skills as a data analyst, study designer, innovator, and communicator.

Team members must have different academic backgrounds and will ideally have (recently) graduated with an Honours, Masters or Ph.D. by December 2021.

The winning team will be given an opportunity to be interviewed at Wimmy, and at least one, and potentially both, teammates will be offered a position at the company.