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The GAMM Activity Group Computational and Mathematical Methods in Data Science Workshop

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2020 4:16 pm
by Admin
This is the second announcement for the 2020 COMinDS AG workshop on September 10-11.

In the last weeks it has become apparent that, unfortunately, the workshop cannot take place on-site in Leipzig due to ongoing restrictions. We have therefore decided to turn it into a virtual workshop. While this, of course, cannot fully replace a personal meeting, we are convinced that it will be a fruitful and enjoyable event for our activity group and everyone interested.

Once again, we are happy to announce a great list of speakers including this year's plenary speakers Marco Cuturi (Google Brain & IP Paris), Gitta Kutyniok (TU Berlin), Ivan Oseledets (Skoltech Moscow) and Joel Tropp (Caltech).

Registration is now open through the website

Very unfortunately we will not have a poster session in this year's workshop. Also, the business meeting will not take place in the usual form. However, sufficient time will be provided on Thursday afternoon to set up an informal video chat for discussing AG related and other topics. Despite these changes, we are very much looking forward to an interesting workshop and your participation!

A third announcement will be sent closer to the workshop dates.