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The Fractals at the Heart of African Designs, Research by Dr Ron Eglash

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2019 2:17 pm
by Eli
Dr Ron Eglash gives a fascinating talk on the African origins of fractal mathematics with practical examples from villages, fences, hairstyles, agriculture that depict great mathematics, engineering, architectural designs, art and algorithmic patterns. He received FulBright Scholarship to do research on African Fractals.

Dr Ron Eglash continues to explain "The TED format only gives you 17 minutes, and in that time I had to explain what fractal geometry is, how to simulate fractals in African material design, and what the connection is between the fractal design and the indigenous knowledge. So I had to cut a lot of details. I should also mention that the divination priests told me that I was just reading a sentence or two from whole libraries of knowledge; the algorithm itself is just one drop in their recursively infinite bucket."

Watch his TED presentation: