How to Typeset SI Units in LaTeX

Includes PGF, TikZ, PSTricks, and platforms/distributions: Kile, TeXstudio, TeXmaker, TeXnicCenter, MiKTeX, LyX
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There are a number of different packages for typesetting SI units in LaTeX with varying relative strengths and weaknesses. For typesetting documents in a full-featured LaTeX environment, the siunitx package is mostly used, which you can call it in the preamble as (see full siunitx documentation)

  1. usepackage{siunitx}

But here, you can do a bit of tweaking/hacking and typeset the SI unit in the correct way possible to your liking.

  1. \si{1\,} \ {\rm kg.m.s^{-1}} \\
  2. \si{\rm kg.m.s^{-1}} \\
  3. \si{kg\, m/s} \\
  4. \si{\rm kg\, m/s} \\
  5. \si{\rm kg \ m \ s^{-2}}\\
  6. \si{\text kg \ m \ s^{-2}}\\
  7. \SI{10\,} {kg \, m \, s^{-2}}\\
  8. \si{\rm kg.s^{-1}}\\
  9. $1.0\,\mathrm{N}\cdot\mathrm{m}$\\
  10. \SI{10\,}{\cdot kg \cdot m \cdot s^{-2}}\\
  11. \SI{10}{\cdot kg \cdot m \cdot s^{-2}}\\
  12. $10\, \mathrm{kg} \cdot \mathrm{m} \cdot \mathrm{s^{-2}}$\\
  13. \SI{1.0}\cdot {\mthrm{N} \  \mathrm{m}}\\
  14. \SI{1.0} \ {\cdot \mthrm{N} \cdot \mathrm{m}}\\
  15. \SI{\rm {1.0} \ {\cdot \mthrm{N} \cdot \mathrm{m}}}\\
  16. \SI\rm {1.0} \ {\mthrm{N} \  \mathrm{m}}\\
  17. \SI {1.0} \ {\rm \mthrm{N} \  \mathrm{m}}\\
  18. \si{1}\ {\Omega}\\
  19. \si{1\,}\cdot {\Omega}\\
  20. \SI{1}\cdot{\DeclareMathSymbol{\Omega}}\\
  21. \SI{1}\cdot {\varOmega}\\
  22. \SI{1,000,000}\cdot {\mu{\rm\Omega}}\\
  23. \SI{1}\cdot{\mathrm{\Omega}}\\
  24. \si{1}\cdot{\text{$\Omega$}}

The whole of typesetting above should produce

Note that \cdot or backslash alone (\) is used for spacing, \rm and \text for rendering a text in roman.

Here is the LaTeX symbols document.

Once I have some time, I will write a comprehensive topic about LaTeX document set-up and typesetting.

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Joseph Bundala
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Thanks for this insight @Eli .
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