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Job opportunity for graduates to work with a team of Educational Technologists across Africa

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2017 2:09 pm
by Eli
Siyavula is an Educational Technology company - we have a practice service that delivers, marks, and sequences maths and science exercises at a high school level. We also publish open licence textbooks. Our focus is high school level maths and science.

We have recently received a grant from to expand our work and products into Nigeria. We're really excited about the opportunity to work in the rest of Africa, with Nigeria being the starting point. For more context, you can read some of the press releases online here and here. These articles also give more information on how this project fits into some of Google's bigger plans.

Siyavula is looking for graduates who want to make a difference to learners lives in South Africa, and across Africa, to join its team of Educational Technologists for six months to a year. We are looking for five graduates with (at least) first year mathematics, a bachelor's degree, and python coding experience. The full job ad can be found here. We would be grateful if you could tell your students about this opportunity.

Please forward to anyone who may be interested.