The LaTeX Beamer Class

Includes PGF, TikZ, PSTricks, and platforms/distributions: Kile, TeXstudio, TeXmaker, TeXnicCenter, MiKTeX, LyX
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Beamer is a LaTeX document class for creating powerful, flexible and attractive but professionally-looking slides for presentations. It supports both pdfLaTeX and LaTeX + dvips. The name is taken from the German word "Beamer" as a pseudo-anglicism for video projection. Beamer has special syntax for defining and creating PowerPoint like slides, known in Beamer as "frames". Slides can be built up on-screen in various styles such as continuously or in stages as if by revealing text that was previously hidden or obscured. The latter is handled with Portable Document Format (PDF) output by creating successive pages that preserve the layout but add new elements, so that advancing to the next page in the PDF file appears to add something to the displayed page, when in fact it has redrawn the page, read more.

Beamer is very superior for creating slides for presentations with a lot of capabilities such as multimedia (videos, images, etc.,) inclusion, orientations, effects, styling, layouts, handouts, various format outputs, colouring, sectioning, making tables, formatting, funny rendering of scientific formulae, e.g., maths symbolism and notation, richness in syntax support for other LaTeX presentation packages, for example Prosper and Powerdot.

Below, I present a minimal working example (MWE) of a very basic beamer presentation and the output (see attached file LaTeX_Beamer_Class.pdf). Anything that starts with % is a comment that provides important information to help you customize the template to suit your needs.

The common LaTeX Beamer themes, accessed by the command

Code: Select all


include: Warsaw, AnnArbor, Antibes, Bergen, Berkeley, Berlin, Boadilla, boxes, CambridgeUS, Copenhagen, Darmstadt, default, Dresden, Frankfurt, Goettingen, Hannover, Ilmenau, JuanLesPins, Luebeck, Madrid, Maloe, Marburg, Montpellier, PaloAlto, Pittsburg, Rochester, Singapore, Szeged, classic.

Some common color themes, accessed via

Code: Select all


are: albatross, beaver, beetle, crane, default, dolphin, dov, fly, lily, orchid, rose, seagull, seahorse, sidebartab, structure, whale, wolverine.

You can however change the font themes by

Code: Select all

: default, professionalfonts, serif, structurebold, structureitalicserif, structuresmallcapsserif.

  1. %Beamer Class
  2. % To run - pdflatex filename.tex
  3. % acroread filename.pdf
  4. \documentclass[compress,red]{beamer}
  5. \mode<presentation>
  6. \usetheme{Warsaw}
  7. %\setbeamertemplate{footline}[text line]{%
  8.  % \parbox{\linewidth}{\vspace*{-8pt}some text\hfill\insertshortauthor\hfill\insertpagenumber}}
  9. %\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}
  11. % Other themes: AnnArbor, Antibes, Bergen, Berkeley, Berlin, Boadilla, boxes, CambridgeUS, Copenhagen, Darmstadt, default, Dresden, Frankfurt, Goettingen,
  12. % Hannover, Ilmenau, JuanLesPins, Luebeck, Madrid, Maloe, Marburg, Montpellier, PaloAlto, Pittsburg, Rochester, Singapore, Szeged, classic
  14. %\usecolortheme{lily}
  15. % Color themes: albatross, beaver, beetle, crane, default, dolphin, dov, fly, lily, orchid, rose, seagull, seahorse, sidebartab, structure, whale, wolverine
  17. %\usefonttheme{serif}
  18. % Font themes: default, professionalfonts, serif, structurebold, structureitalicserif, structuresmallcapsserif
  20. \hypersetup{pdfpagemode=FullScreen} % Makes your presentation go automatically to full screen, Esc to resume normal screen
  21. \definecolor{Red}{rgb}{1,0,0}
  22. \definecolor{Blue}{rgb}{0,0,1}
  23. \definecolor{Green}{rgb}{0,1,0}
  24. \definecolor{magenta}{rgb}{1,0,.6}
  25. \definecolor{lightblue}{rgb}{0,.5,1}
  26. \definecolor{lightpurple}{rgb}{.6,.4,1}
  27. \definecolor{gold}{rgb}{.6,.5,0}
  28. \definecolor{orange}{rgb}{1,0.4,0}
  29. \definecolor{hotpink}{rgb}{1,0,0.5}
  30. \definecolor{newcolor2}{rgb}{.5,.3,.5}
  31. \definecolor{newcolor}{rgb}{0,.3,1}
  32. \definecolor{newcolor3}{rgb}{1,0,.35}
  33. \definecolor{darkgreen1}{rgb}{0, .35, 0}
  34. \definecolor{darkgreen}{rgb}{0, .6, 0}
  35. \definecolor{darkred}{rgb}{.75,0,0}
  36. % define your own colors:
  38. % Can also choose different themes for the "inside" and "outside"
  40. % \usepackage{beamerinnertheme}
  41. % Inner themes include circles, default, inmargin, rectangles, rounded
  43. % \usepackage{beamerouterthemesmoothbars}
  44. % Outer themes include default, infolines, miniframes, shadow, sidebar, smoothbars, smoothtree, split, tree
  46. \useoutertheme[subsection=false]{smoothbars}
  48. \setbeamertemplate{footline}[text line]{%
  49.   \parbox{0.8\linewidth}{
  50.    \vspace*{-20pt}\href{}{\color{blue} \insertshorttitle} %~(\insertshortauthor) - could insert author
  51.   }
  52.   \hfill%
  53.   \parbox{0.15\linewidth}{
  54.    \vspace*{-8pt}\raggedleft\insertpagenumber
  55.  }
  56. }
  58. \usepackage{ocg-p}
  59. \usepackage{fancyhdr}
  60. \usepackage[author={Max Schlepzig}]{pdfcomment}
  61. %Could use:
  62. %\addtocounter{framenumber}{-1}
  63. % To have the same footer on all slides
  64. %\setbeamertemplate{footline}[text line]{%
  65.  % \parbox{\linewidth}{\vspace*{-20pt}\href{}{\color{magenta} About Us}\hfill\insertshortauthor\hfill\insertpagenumber}}
  66.  %Or
  67. %\setbeamertemplate{footline}[text line]{\href{}{\color{magenta} About Us}}
  68. %\setbeamertemplate{footline}[text line]{} % makes the footer EMPTY
  70. % Include packages
  72. \usepackage{multimedia}
  73. \usepackage{hyperref}
  74. \usepackage{tabularx}
  75. \usepackage{caption}
  76. \captionsetup[table]{skip=10pt}
  77. \setbeamerfont{caption}{size=\footnotesize}
  79. %Titles
  80. \title{\href{}{TSSFL Open Discussion Forums - The Home of Critical Thinkers!}}
  81. \subtitle{The \LaTeX  \ Beamer Class}
  82. \author{TSSFL Open Discussion Forums Team}
  84. \date{\today}
  85. %Begin Your Document
  87. \begin{document}
  89. \frame{
  90.     \titlepage
  91. }
  93. \frame{\frametitle{\href{}{TSSFL Open Discussion Forums}}
  94. \vspace{-.5cm}
  95. \scriptsize
  96. \begin{center}
  97. \begin{itemize}
  98. \item What is TSSFL Open Discussion Forums?
  99. \item \textbf{Answer:} \href{}{\color{blue} TSSFL Open Discussion Forums - The Home of Critical Thinkers!}, is a free knowledge and information exchange platform.
  100.  %Open Discussion Forums is a knowledge base forum created with the notion that education must be applied to solve societal problems. It intends to bring together people with various professions, skills and knowledge to contribute in chosen areas of their interest.
  101.  \item Who can join Open Discussion Forums?
  102.  \item \textbf{Answer:} Any person can join Open Discussion Forums provided he/she is able to do so.
  103. \item Do I've to pay to join Open Discussion Forums?
  104. \item \textbf{Answer:} No. Joining Open Discussion Forums is completely free!
  105. \item Why should I consider joining Open Discussion Forums?
  106. \item \textbf{Answer:} TSSFL Open Discussion Forums is a place where you can make a big difference, it gives you an opportunity to learn how to think, improve your mental faculties and broaden your scope of knowledge, while sharing valuable skills and experiences to others!
  107. \end{itemize}
  108. \end{center}
  109. }
  111. \frame{\frametitle{\href{}{Cont $\hdots$ TSSFL Open Discussion Forums}}
  112. \vspace{-.5cm}
  113. \scriptsize
  114. \begin{center}
  115. \begin{itemize}
  116. \item Are there any further convincing reasons why I should really join Open Discussion Forums?
  117. \item \textbf{Answer:} Yes. There are numerous benefits associated to Open Discussion Forums membership:
  118. \begin{enumerate}
  119. \item Get an opportunity to meet friendly on-line community of students, scholars and pragmatic thinkers who are interested and focused in sharing valuable skills, knowledge and information.
  120. \item Engage in more meaningful discussions to sharpen your thinking for your own benefit and the community as a whole.
  121. \end{enumerate}
  122. \end{itemize}
  123. \end{center}
  124. }
  126. \frame{\frametitle{Why Open Discussion Forums?}
  127. \vspace{-.5cm}
  128. \scriptsize
  129. \begin{center}
  130. \begin{itemize}
  131. \begin{enumerate}
  132. \setcounter{enumi}{2}
  133. \item Open Discussion Forums is a professional platform where you will have an opportunity to stimulate, grow, adjust and apply your education, knowledge and skills through
  134. teaching others and learning from them to impact a lasting change.
  135.  \item   Inspire knowledge, skills, creativity and innovation through rational critical thinking outpouring from carefully and scrutinized contributions to create and build a promising smart society!
  136.  \item   You have an opportunity to market, sell, your skills and work, which in turn can create future meaningful networking with clients and customers.
  137.  \end{enumerate}
  138.  \end{itemize}
  139. \end{center}
  140. }
  142. \frame{\frametitle{Cont $\hdots$ Why Open Discussion Forums?}
  143. \vspace{-.5cm}
  144. \scriptsize
  145. \begin{center}
  146. \begin{itemize}
  147. \begin{enumerate}
  148. \setcounter{enumi}{5}
  149. \item   You get an opportunity to apply and exercise your valuable skills to solve a wide range of problems for others, a good way of giving back to the community. At Open Discussion Forums, skills and professionalism is what makes it unique!
  150. This is a great opportunity to learn how to think like a real problem solver.
  151. \item  You have an opportunity to get listened, give sound views, proposals, suggestions, recommendations to positively impact a growing Open Discussion Forums community and its infrastructure.
  152.  \end{enumerate}
  153.  \end{itemize}
  154. \end{center}
  155. }
  157. \frame{\frametitle{Cont $\hdots$ Why Open Discussion Forums?}
  158. \vspace{-.5cm}
  159. \scriptsize
  160. \begin{center}
  161. \begin{itemize}
  162. \begin{enumerate}
  163. \setcounter{enumi}{7}
  164. \item You have an opportunity to create more meaningful contact, becoming an advocate, affiliate, partner or an integral part of \href{}{\color {blue} Tanzania Students and Scholars Foundation Limited - TSSFL} community,
  165. with a possibility to fully participate in its future endeavors.
  166. \item  Finally, you stand a great chance of becoming a remarkable contributor with a possibility to gain recognition, awards and appreciation for your legendary and notable contributions.
  167.  \end{enumerate}
  168.  \end{itemize}
  169. \end{center}
  170. }
  172. \frame{\frametitle{Please Join Us $\hdots$}
  173. \vspace{-.5cm}
  174. \scriptsize
  175. \begin{center}
  176. \begin{itemize}
  177. \item It's always great to have a new member at \href{}{\color{blue} TSSFL Open Discussion Forums} and we look forward to seeing your esteemed contributions aboard.
  178. \item Let's make learning social, interactive, fun and enjoyable. Together we can build a smart community!
  179. \end{itemize}
  180. \end{center}
  181. }
  183. \frame{\frametitle{TSSFL Open Discussion Forums Images}
  184. \vspace{-.5cm}
  185. \scriptsize
  186. \begin{center}
  187. \begin{figure}
  188. \centering
  189. \includegraphics[width=0.35\textwidth,height=0.4\textheight]{TSSFL.png} %Resize images,
  190. \includegraphics[width=0.6\textwidth,height=0.4\textheight]{Hero_image.png}
  191. %\caption{} % You ca add caption
  192. %\label{ODF} %Labelling goes here
  193. \end{figure}
  194. \end{center}
  195. }
  196. \end{document}

For the LaTeX Beamer full documentation, including more themes, see The beamer Class - Comprehensive TeX Archive Network (CTAN), LaTeX/Presentations - Wikibooks, open books for an open world and The LaTeX Beamer Class SourceForge.
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Here is another cool LaTeX template, it is used by authors as a template engine for creating papers for submission to The Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Journal - MNRAS: ... /55629283/
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I recommend to use Kile, TexStudio, LyX, TeXmaker or TeXnicCenter for compiling LaTeX source. You can however use an online LaTeX editor, overleaqf2/ShareLaTex.
TSSFL -- A Creative Journey Towards Infinite Possibilities!
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List of Greek letters and mathematical symbols which can be used in this forum: ... th_symbols

\[\Huge \phi \varphi \Phi\\
\Huge \theta \vartheta \Theta\\
\Huge\lambda \Lambda\\
\Huge\omega \Omega \\
\Huge\psi \Psi\\
\Huge\chi X\\
\Huge\swarrow \\
\Huge\varnothing\\ \]
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