Advise on Career Development

Are you studying or working? What is your lifelong career ambition and why? Why have you chosen what you are studying and who do you want to be?
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By Benjamin Zulu Global

Another reason you should strive and become successful in your career is so that you can get access to eminent nations hassle-free. Whether you need a visiting or an emigration visa, when you have a good name and honour in your field, nations will welcome you into their society so that you can enrich their cultures and economies.

We've seen athletes being granted citizenship by developed countries accompanied by good packages, but many people don't know that the same rule applies in finance, information technology, project management, business, law and any other field of endeavour.

This means that if you want to travel the world, it will be easier if you build a name and a track record of extraordinary achievements. You will be given a category of visas purely reserved for skilled people.

But if you remain mediocre and average, you will struggle to get access to many places.

Do you see a man skilled in his work? He will stand before kings; he will not stand before obscure men. (Proverbs 22:29)
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Here's a cheat code for becoming the best paid player in your field. Research shows that if you study something for 100 hours a year, you will become better than 95% of the people in that field. In other words, if you study your area of work for twenty minutes every day, excluding Sundays, you will become as fine as the top five per cent in your job.

That's how you get paid like a top tier master by making a manageable investment in time consistently towards your expertise.

Remember also that choosing what to learn is a skill by itself. If you're in business, start with learning about the art of sales and emotional intelligence. Also, you can just follow the stories of great business people for inspiration and modelling. Next, apply the daily learning time to deeply understanding of your product or service and the evolutions taking place there. This way, you can get an idea of a coming change and tap into it for maximum benefit.

If you're employed, invest in growing your technical skills and social intelligence. Master political games and cutting-edge solutions.

After one year, begin to ask for three times your previous pay, and keep doubling that figure after every few years as you become better and better.

If you can perceive and believe this, you can achieve it. Self-doubt and lethargy are your only enemies. It is better to try it and see whether it works. After all, you have nothing to lose because even if you do nothing, the year will still pass.
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Too often, the people who oppose you the most are the ones who see your potential most clearly. They may go around telling everyone how you'll go nowhere or that you're a crooked person. But secretly, they're just hoping that you will get discouraged and stop going after your potential. They see your power, and they fear it. They also know that as long as you're working on your dreams and progressing, you will become a great person. And that's what scares them the most.

They already see how you get liked by people; how you convert business gracefully; how stable and focused you are.

Remember, sometimes this person is your boss. Initiative they liked you and praised your work ethics, but now they're so antagonistic to you. Why? Because they got to experience your potential upclose and it troubled their jealous spirit. Previously, you appeared just like a good worker, not a potential competition. But after watching you in action long enough, they realized that they had underestimated you. You may be younger or lower than them in the ladder, but you're a shooting star. Remember Herod getting perplexed about the birth of a baby when he was already a king? Because he had heard that this baby had the potential to displace him as king.

More worrying, sometimes this person is your partner. They married you before they had known you enough to sense your fire. Now they see how convictional and driven you are, and they feel uneasy. They may need to raise their energy to match yours or else be left behind. And so they make it their mission to put obstacles in your way and discourage you.

What's supposed to be your response? Always see any exaggerated opposition as a confession that you're big enough to be perceived as a threat. Even if you appear small now, Pharaohs have sensed your star, and they want to quench it early through intimidation and discouragement.
Their envy is just an unhappy admiration, and you should use them to push further in the direction of your vision.
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